After all the advances we have made as a species, why haven’t we found a way to rid ourselves of scummy people like this? There’s just SO MANY of them, and they ruin EVERYTHING!
Yeah fuck this guy.
What is a SLAPP suit
Not everyone likes John Oliver. But for the people who do, the end of this segment contains one of the best John Oliver payoffs of all time.
think about how you asked this when you have the internet at your fingertips….
google it
Maybe I missed it, but were there any consequences for filing the SLAPP? The suit was tossed, which is a good start, but then what? The article made it sound like California has anti-SLAPP laws, but were they applied here?
Yeah. They said it’s now righted the wrong, but I don’t think so.
Usually, the anti-SLAPP statute specifies that the SLAPPing party needs to pay the defendant’s legal fees, but in this case they were represented pro bono by a high-profile attorney, so maybe that’s the only remedy and it just didn’t apply.