Here’s a nice compromise position - Canada becomes a republic; in exchange, the West Coast and the East Coast down to Maryland (or Virginia) join as unincorporated territories or whatever the Canuck equivalent is.
If anything was really done, I assume it’d be just opening up (+incentivizing) immigration. Skilled labor/health/money probably will still be huge barriers, so I think the most effect it could have would be brain drain.
Here’s a nice compromise position - Canada becomes a republic; in exchange, the West Coast and the East Coast down to Maryland (or Virginia) join as unincorporated territories or whatever the Canuck equivalent is.
please save us from Y’All Qaeda
If anything was really done, I assume it’d be just opening up (+incentivizing) immigration. Skilled labor/health/money probably will still be huge barriers, so I think the most effect it could have would be brain drain.
It is the fact that the US is a republic that is the problem. If any US states join Canada they do it as a province of the federation.
I refuse to have anything to do with having a m*narch on my money 😤
I’m fine with being a province, but it’s republic or bust
Isn’t a guy on your money had a child from an underage slave or am I mistaking him with some other slave holding hero of the country?
That’s ok. You stay where you are and we’ll stay a federation.
That’s it, I support the Quebecois now! They’ll understand the value of a good guillotine, at least
That’s why all the billionaires are in such a hurry to get to space. Guillotines require gravity.
I’m French and I shall work on developing railgun mounted guillotine to work in space
Sorry bud. Maybe move to a state that Mexico picks up?
I remember seeing something similar in the W days.
Canafornia, a Democracy with no need for an electorial college, and free of having the monarch on their money.