I recently came across this term Dynamic Lock Screen and I’m kind of curious about it. I’ve seen it mentioned here and there but I don’t fully get how it works or what it’s used for. From what I gather it seems like it’s something related to customizing your lock screen or making it more interactive? I’m not sure if it’s just for looks or if it has any cool features beyond that. is this something built into the system or do you need to install an app for it? And if anyone’s using it do you find it useful or just a gimmick? I’d love to hear your thoughts tips or even some tricks if you’ve got any. Just trying to figure out if it’s worth exploring.

  • FiveMacs@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    From the 30 seconds I spent reading up on that feature, which is 29 seconds more then I usually give Google.

    The dynamic lock screen can be configured to display certain widgets, or wall papers or whatever you can normally put on your lock screen, but it can rotate between different layouts depending on where you are, what time it is, and other triggers like that.

    Eg; you get near the grocery store and your lockscreen shifts to a grocery list and possibly a quick shortcut for your wireless banking.

    Go near the gym and the widget for your gym routines would appear.