It took centuries for the Roman Republic to fall. At some point in time, they were past the point of no return without themselves even realizing it.
I think we are in that position now. We have been on the decline for more than a decade now, and have had several opportunities to correct or reverse course, but the wrong decision is made at every opportunity because it’s far easier for powerful influential people to increase their power, wealth and status at the expense of everyone else and suffer no consequences for doing so than it is for them to sacrifice their own power, wealth, and status for the benefit of the collective. Are we past the point of no return? I’d say an argument could be made for either yes or no, but we are undeniably closer to the precipice than we have ever been as a nation since the Civil War (which never truly ended).
The average life of an Empire is about 250 years. It’s just about time.
From where I sit on Canada’s western end, I honestly expect America to never have a legitimate/meaningful election again.
As in, over the next 4 years the GOP will erode the election system such that it becomes equally as meaningful as elections in Russia or North Korea - theatre and a thin veneer of legitimacy, but nothing more. That the GOP will work things such that they will never “lose” another election, making America a permanent one-party state, no matter how many people would want them out of power.
The scary thing is, Canada risks much the same if “PeePee” (Pierre Poilievre, of the Canadian Conservative Party) gets elected. The man is a snake-oil salesman who is always eager to tell you what the problem is and who is to blame, but who almost never had any solution for the problem. Even his “axe the tax” shtick is a “solution” in desperate need of a problem to solve, will hurt working-class Canadians far more than it will help them, and is only meant to reduce taxation on the wealthy.
It was decided in 2010 with “citizens united”
It was decided in 2000 with “Bush v. Gore”
Anything for profit.
And I’m here with my bag of popcorn enjoying watching it fall
The American people voted a traitor into power that actively works for a hostile foreign power to destroy their country. And yet they can themselves patriots. Pathetic.
That traitor is capitalism. And until people stop supporting that trader it will only further degrade
Well, I didn’t vote for that bag of shit
Not enough people voted, period.
Plus, they still have slavery! In the constitution it says slavery is not allowed, “except when incarcerated”. There are states where incarcerated people, convicted by a corrupt justiciary system, are forced to work without pay.
Plus, they just elected an autocratic hate and fear spreading idiot who is a puppet of Putin and does everything in his power to make the US an even worse oligarchy.
The world isn’t just watching, the world is watching in extreme horror and disgust.
We have slavery in our everyday lives without being incarcerated, we are debt slaves, we are wage slaves without freedom of movement.
The world isn’t just watching, the world is watching in extreme horror and disgust.
To be fair some are looking for ideas, the Americans are not the only ones with issues.
But they are one of the most influential in the world, and THE most influential ally we have.
Plus, they just elected an autocratic hate and fear spreading idiot who is a puppet of Putin and does everything in his power to make the US an even worse oligarchy.
Oh sure, but we do that with every President. Trump’s a Putin Puppet. The Clintons Shill for China. Biden bent backwards for Israel. They’re all deeply in the bag for the Saudis.
That’s before you get to Musk or Gates or Bob Iger or David Solomon absolutely leading our national leadership around by the nose
The world isn’t just watching, the world is watching in extreme horror and disgust.
They’ve been watching since Nixon. But they still keep cashing our checks, so they can’t be that upset.
Guys like Starmer and Truduea and Shultz were lining up to kiss the ring as soon as the election results came in.
They’ve been watching since Nixon. But they still keep cashing our checks, so they can’t be that upset.
It’s the other way around. The US national debt is more than it’s GDP. Where do you think they borrow that money from. We just don’t want the US as an enemy because we want our money back. And so far the US has been the only country fucked up enough to drop not just one, but 2 nukes, not to wipe out military targets but 2 entire cities.
The large majority (73.1%) of US debt is owned domestically. US foreign debt is well, well below GDP:
26.9% still is a lot of money.
Not to wipe out military targets but 2 entire cites.
We call that “for funsies” in the States. You ever hear of the Amchitka Island Nuclear Tests? Those seals had it coming!! /s
It’s not just the US, but they are the fastest on this path
If you ain’t first you’re last! - America taking its notes from Ricky Bobby
Other are looking and taking notes of what works and what doesn’t.
It’s a yuge problem!
Man, let me tell you about what’s coming to Canada, you won’t believe it!
you accepting refugees yet?
It’s not like there would be any housing available for us if they did
Accepting? They gave Yaroslav Hunka a standing ovation in parliament.
Canada loves refugees of the correct political persuasion.
The Canucks are pissed.
your colonialism is showing.
They’re asking if a civilized country would deny healthcare. They’re not calling themselves civilized other than they have healthcare and the US does not.
it’s deeply embedded colonialism, and you are making excuses for it. they could have said compassionate or made some appeal to practicality. “civilized” is practically a synonym for white, which is to say a way to distinguish the colonizers from the savages.
You just sound triggered and looking to be mad about something.
Both countries are products of colonialism and despite knowing the history of both and all of the horrors, Canada is looking a hell of a lot more civilized in 2025 than America. Does Canada have legalized slavery as a form of punishment?
You just sound triggered
you sound like a racist chud
Ah yes, a racist chud bringing up the thirteenth amendment legalizing slavery as punishment as one of Americas shining accomplishments. /s
Get fucked, troll.
oh thank God
It’s not the laopards. Its they themselves who cut off their noses to spite their own faces. Bcos Gaza. Lofl.
Guess you’re fine with genocide so long as your team gets to win the capitalist Olympics
They chose to make Gaza worse but also make the county worse because the alternative wasn’t as good as they would have preferred
Gaza worse? Biden already set the bar in hell. Supposedly a cease fire is in the works, and if so and Israel abides by it (the latter unlikely) liberals can go fuck themselves for eternity for constantly refusing to listen to the left. It’s liberals fault they’d rather lose to fascists than embrace any leftist positions. I for one will never ever vote democrat again country be damned.
That ceasefire is all smoke and mirrors. If tiktok does end up getting banned, the moment they go dark is when that ceasefire will come to an end.
Well now they’ll definitely listen to you.
The democrats represent their donors, not the working class. They never listened in the first place why start now?