I saw for the first time steam rising through a hole where a bassin of water was pooring down from.
Oh no, the media is failing to load for me in Voyager!
I don’t want to spoil too much for you, but it’s too bad I didn’t get footage of my run where I accidentally shifted flammable gas to acceleratium. Not quite as bad as when Dunk managed to shift it to acid (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59w5bTIUHVA - acid turns most solids into flammable gas, so shifting that to acid forms a feedback loop), but my frame rate was in the single digits whenever acid hit another material even if it didn’t destroy the whole world and kill me immediately.
Yea i’m always having fun with weird shifts whenever i can. I’m not sure if i ever shifted flammable gas to acid or if it was so brief that i don’t remember XD a fun one i had was smoke to weird fungus i think. Where the whole world got covered in fire. I had a respawn mod on so i would go down every possible routes without fire to get my stuff back but at some point there wasn’t a single pixel allowing me to go down anymore and my spawn point was burning too XD