The emoluments clause is dead
He should’ve been impeached on Jan 21 2017.
And he’s available to the highest bidder.
I don’t know how to construct this joke/pun well but the gist of it would be that Trump wearing a rug (aka a hairpiece) is foreshadowing for the eventual rug pull
& now Melania is in on the action:
Or rather, the team that the Trump family have some kind of deal with is getting in while the getting is good. This stuff right out of the gate of the Trump administration before they’ve even taken office is very, very bad.
Someone appears to have launched & immediately rugged an “official tiktok coin” as well.
The next four years are going to be rough, aren’t they?
The cryptocurrency revolutionaries are having a moment of crisis as well.
Follows the patterns of the emails he sends out to his followers, which are clearly written to get the most amount of money out of the most gullible people around. For example, donate now so you can join Trumps cabinet
E: These poor mf’ers. Reddit Post: “I (31f) just found out my husband (34m) lost $600K in Donald Trump stock. How can I get him to stop before he loses everything?”