I have a close friend that I’ve known 20 years who became obsessed with right-wing politics. even though I’m liberal, I don’t make it my entire personality and life. But anyway… I was talking to him this morning casually like friends do.
Me: “Hey man. Do you have off today for MLK day?” Friend: “No, I have to work today.” Me: “Damn, sorry to hear. I have off today since it’s a company holiday.” Friend: “Yeah, I work for a living. Guess that’s the difference me and people who live in an ivory tower.” Me: “Uhh I work for a living too. Idk why you’re acting like I don’t?” Friend: “I didn’t mean you specifically. But you’re off and I’m not so it shows that you get to relax at least. You should be able to handle the truth lol. There’s no shame in admitting that I’m a harder worker than everyone else. you shouldn’t be so sensitive”
Honestly, he’s not unique, either. I’ve met so many people who are conservative, obsessed with right-wing stuff, and they’re all like this. They act like they’re special and the whole world is lazy, “no one wants to work anymore” attitude.
It is good to be moist, even better than being flaky
It’s a shame because if Conservatives would just look at who they’re supporting for five seconds, instead of going “He’s not a filthy librul.” they’d realize they stole the Ivory Tower from themselves.
Very moist. Very toxic. Like a mattress, saturated in bacon grease and dip-spit.
People who deliberately ignore struggles that others outside their immediate community experience, especially ones that they cause themselves, don’t deserve to be listened to
Have you met a “leftest?”
You’ve got it backwards. Toxic and aggressive people become conservatives (in Anglo countries) because it serves them emotionally.
Occasionally one is too queer to successfully do that, and have to find an alternate outlet, like stanning for North Korea or something.
Having a work ethic is one thing. But it isn’t inherently satisfying to the ego unless you feel yours is better than others’, and lord it over them. Some people just can’t maintain their motivation without this.
This guy could learn a lot from women. The world is full of women who bust their ASS and never complain or brag or get a single second of recognition.
Reminds me of this dipshit I saw in a Starbucks once wearing one of those anti-welfare t shirts. He spent a good 20 minutes bragging to this poor young woman working the counter about how hard of a worker he is and that people on welfare are parasites.
When she asked him what he did, he sheepishly responded that he did a few hours a week of per diem work at UPS. She just rolled her eyes and asked him if he needed anything in that “buy something or get fuck out” tone.
After he left, she started talking to another employee about how much of a tool he was. The other coworker responded that he pulls this goofy anti-welfare ranting shit to try and impress new girls and that he actually lives with his parents and collects state aid himself.
Its the moisture
Well, and the coldness inside too ❄️
Hate, insecurity, intolerance, and ignorance are the foundation of their ideology. I’m not proud of myself at all for this, but I got sucked into the pipeline when I was a young teen. However I am proud to say that I did fortunately manage to pull myself out of it and I’m now a socialist.
While I hate that I got sucked in, it does give me a lot of insight into why they are the way they are. They start by targeting common insecurities which they use to lure people in, and then they feed them lies while appealing to those insecurities. For example, I remember being a lonely teen and watching mgtow 🤮 videos and the gist of the videos was that if you joined their “movement” that you would get laid all the time, and of course that video was ridden with a shitload of misogyny and lies. Then from there it snowballs into more and more hatred and lies.
Conservatives are just sad, narcissistic losers who are incapable of understanding that people need to lift each other up rather than putting each other down. That’s why conservatives like to brag, because they think putting others down is how they get lifted up.
Being knowledgeable is a good defence against their tactics since their lies become obvious and it quickly becomes evident that they are fools.
The secret sauce at fox news is flattering dumb people, telling them they are smart. Smarter than those woke professors, doctors, scientists. “Youre a free thinker, you see right through the deep state lies, you know the real deal and dont fall for their propaganda…etc.” If you can flatter a moron into thinking they are smart, you can literally program them like a manchurian candidate or robot.
Religious conservatives are trained from childhood to unwaveringly believe things that can’t be proven, and teaches that malice is the only acceptable way to get dopamine.
There is no better measure of your worth to a conservative than how many hours you are willing to work in support of the 1% becoming even richer.
Hey you work hard enough and you might get a tombstone that reads “Worked really hard!” on it! Such a nice tombstone that your family gets to go in horrible debt for!
There is a reason, it’s a psychological phenomenon called narcissism.
I have friends like this too.
Typical conservative reply: it’s your fault you’re offended that I was an asshole.