Donald Trump signed an executive order declaring only two sexes, male and female, based on reproductive cells at conception, banning gender-affirming care, and limiting federal recognition of gender diversity.
Experts, including Dr. Richard Bribiescas, president of the Human Biology Association, criticized the policy as nonsensical, stating, “Clearly, this order is not fully informed by current biological science.”
Biologists noted the order oversimplifies human biology, ignores intersex individuals, and conflates sex and gender.
Critics warned it advances anti-trans rhetoric and risks legal challenges.
If you read through an article with multiple doctors saying something, and then your conclusion is to be confused and wonder how they could be wrong like that, I have news for you.
Also, you contradicted yourself pretty quickly. First you said there’s only two sexes, then you said there’s male, female and “neuter”. That’s three. Do you think that infertile people should be prevented from listing a sex on their drivers license? Should they get to pick one? What bathroom do you want them to use? What if they’re infertile and they have genitalia you didn’t expect? What if they’re infertile and they modified their genitals, which bathroom should they use?
Neuter is not a sex. It is a lack of sex.
Biological sex is commonly used to reference reproductive function. You have listed three reproductive functions. Ergo, three sexes by your reckoning because there are three states. “Male/female/null” is still three things.
C’mon. At least make your trolling fun. Pretending that three things is two is boring. Share some weird ideas about where people you would put in the third category should go to the bathroom.
I am not trolling I am trying to explain to you that no sex at all is not a sex. It is the lack of it. It is not a third sex. Say I have a full glass of water, then I have an empty glass of water. Not having a glass is not an empty glass and could be anything. It could be not having an apple and exactly the same thing. It is not a function of a glass.
Say you have a boolean. It can be true or false. If it doesn’t exist it is no longer a value of any kind. That is the null. The thing which doesn’t exist. It doesn’t mean the boolean has three options.
You’re not a very interesting troll. You keep going on about the same ”2=3" thing. If you have a nullable Boolean variable that variable can be in one of three states. If you have a cup holder, full cup/empty cup/no cup are three values.
Someone who wasn’t trolling would think to themselves that maybe Doctors know more about physiology than they do.
You still can’t think of a good answer for what bathroom this third sex should use can you? I think you should say we need to build a third standard restroom. Since, as you say, not having a glass is the same as not having an apple, this bathroom would be available to anyone who doesn’t have a sex, which is to say anyone who currently has something not in their possession.
Ooh, or maybe anyone not producing gametes can use either restroom? Or would it be that they can use anything as a restroom?
That’s a fun one. “Postmenopausal
womenpersons are legally allowed to pee anywhere because stopping gamete production makes you lose your sex”.Obviously you don’t understand the point. I’ll just leave you to it. Good luck with that.
You objectively suck at trolling. You’re just giving up on your stupid joke before you can even get anyone really riled up?
You can deny reality all you want. Most of the world disagrees with you and only sees man and woman. The genetics are XX XY and dead ends at rates low enough to not matter. When you’re talking about how many heads a person has do you say it’s more than one because there are a couple people with two heads? No you say humans have one head. Stop focusing on the freaks.
If I’m talking about how many heads a person has, I’ll count their heads, not decide reality before I observe it.
You’re still too stuck on that one bit though. Now you’re insisting that a person with two heads has one. It’s a fun twist but the same joke.
I really want to see you develop your toilet humor though. I know you must be able to come up with some stupendously baffling answer for where people who don’t fit in your binary world view pee and what goes on their driver’s licenses when you’ve dictated that there’s only two options, and anyone who doesn’t fit into those three boxes based on a concrete, scientific genetic screening we’ll give to all infants along with followup to verify gamete production is insignificant to the point where we don’t need to think about where they pee or what goes on their drivers license except for nothing matters more than where they pee and what they put on their drivers license so we need to talk about nothing else except for stuff that doesn’t matter because people who don’t fit into our binary are so uncommon that they pose an urgent threat to women, girls and their sports.
I really want your best material for where they pee.