Eh, just from the picture it looks like a normal margherita. If there’s something wrong, I don’t think it’s coming across on the picture. Are you maybe thinking of, like, specific regional styles, like using fresh wet mozz in splotches?
That said, I can also imagine a big pizza chain probably doesn’t shine with its plain pizza, but if I’m already ordering from a big chain, I see nothing wrong with eating that!
If the cheese is mozzarella, like it should be on a pizza, then that’s a margherita
Usually cheddar (alright it might be mozz, but this ain’t a classic margherita)
Eh, just from the picture it looks like a normal margherita. If there’s something wrong, I don’t think it’s coming across on the picture. Are you maybe thinking of, like, specific regional styles, like using fresh wet mozz in splotches?
That said, I can also imagine a big pizza chain probably doesn’t shine with its plain pizza, but if I’m already ordering from a big chain, I see nothing wrong with eating that!