turns out it’s really easy to 100% hentai visual novels, and that’s why you can’t see my shelf.
Best Souls 2!
I see you have exquisite taste!
Also probably the most annoying to 100 %. At least I thought it was with all the Ng+ and ++ exclusive items.
That’s what Bonfire Ascetics are for, no need to beat the whole game over and over when you can just boost individual areas to whatever NG+ level you want!
You still need to reach NG++ to earn all miracles and pyromancy spells, thanks to two arena covenants.
Also probably the most annoying
I would’ve stopped there
I’ve never 100%ed a single game in my life. I just beat them and move on… or forget that I’m playing them and move on.
Bad news I’m afraid, unless you also acquired the Illusory Ring of a Conqueror and the Illusory Ring of the Exalted, you’re going to have to remove that item from your shelf. Most unfortunate.
Multiple, multiple times 😂
Ok, it can stay. Just remember to dust it occasionally.
For the amount of time put into them, I’m more impressed how you haven’t 100% the other games!
Why bother playing the rest, you’ve already seen the peak
Can you really call yourself a souls fan until you beat my little pony adventures 3?
No worries, not everyone cares about every little tine side street