Just tried out arc last week. Fun game, the cards drive the boat a lot more than I’d like though.
That’s a very common perception for beginners in the game :). With enough plays you’ll get into the mindset of playing the hand rather than forcing the hand to do something else
That’s what I meant, your tactics get dictated by the hand you’re dealt. And I don’t like that.
Fair enough! It’s definitely a love it or hate it kind of game
I can’t wait for the localized version to be published this summer, it’s my most anticipated game, hoping the campaign is bundled with it
It’s definitely a fun game. The chapter system gives it a good depth of game with a count down. Makes for an interesting game with an ending in a reasonable amount of time. We didn’t try the campaign, hopefully next time.
Dead Reckoning because John D. Clair is a beautiful madman.
Concordia. There are a lot of strategy implications in the game that we didn’t notice until a couple rounds in. There were a couple of times where I had the realization “Oh, that’s what I should have done 2 rounds ago!”
Chrononauts! I loved it like 15 years ago when I started playing board games, and now it feels kind of dated and wasn’t as great as I remembered. I’m gonna give it another try again soon.
I played a 3 player game of Heat. It was a blast
Just picked up Moose Match Mayhem because the kids liked Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza . TCGCP is a tough game to play as an Old, and I’m guessing this will be similar.
Also got a Gentle Rain - a solo game that claims to be meditative. Might be fun.
We mostly played Clue and Yahtzee - classics.
Just finished a round of “Super” Silver in anticipation for the new set!