Everyone thinks Trump is for sale. Maybe we could all band together and pay him to implement good policy.
Trump has a soft spot for felonies for financial crimes
Personal experience
They were $1 million a pop last time around. But I’m sure that has gone up too, inflation ya know?
That’s probably why Little T is throwing all these tariffs around. Make inflation go crazy so he can charge a larger number of dollars for pardons.
He’s got the right skin tone for a pardon.
I guess if you’re rich, it’s up for sale.
I remember he sold pardons during his last months in office.
Looks like Trump found himself a new Fed Chair…
Isn’t one of his subordinates in prison too? How much would that suck to watch your co-conspirator get off scot free because his family can throw cash at a moron.
Nothing good is allowed to happen ever again.