No tariffs now?
The other thread says this is now outdated…
Who even knows anymore.
Sorry all, didn’t meant to get your hopes up.
Most likely Reuters just got that March 1 date wrong. A bad source or whatever.
But it’s also a fact that Trump just doesn’t have a coherent communications strategy and might not have told his press secretary he changed his mind. So I guess 60/40 odds that there will be tariffs in the morning.
Trump’s red line seems as absolute as those of China and Russia.
I think he prefers talking about things he could do, but hates actually doing them because then he loses his talking points.
If Trump pulls out of all the international agreements, he would lose all his credible threats and would sound like just another dictator wannabe raving threats.
Nope. It’s happening tomorrow, Feb 1.
Leavitt dismissed reports that the US would delay implementation of the tariffs by a month as “false”, claiming that “starting tomorrow, those tariffs will be in place”.
It’s funny to me that it’s already clear that Leavitt doesn’t know shit because nobody is telling them anything among the chaos. Whether tariffs happen tomorrow or not is a complete fucking die roll.
We’ll find out tomorrow I guess.
“We don’t have that available for you at this time”
Still not highly confident on this, because it’s from internal sources. Routers is usually pretty good though.
The news source routers also suggests that you switch to openwrt.
lol, I am terrible at spelling
They are going into effect this weekend.
Trump also said he’s gonna 25% tariff the EU, and is very much going forward on tariffing Taiwan as well, doesn’t look like his meeting with Nvidia CEO Huang earlier today was able to change that.
No American is ever going to get an Nvidia 5000 series card for less than $2000 rofl.
LOL. I look forward to seeing them postponed again on Feb 28th.
There’s the Trump flip flopping