…in what proximity would you have to be to the sun and how fast would you have to be spinning (like a rotisserie chicken) so that your light side didn’t burn and your dark side didn’t freeze; rotating just enough to keep a relatively stable temperature?

Absolutely absurd, I know but this question somehow popped into my head and won’t leave. 😆🐔🔥🧊

  • mkwt@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Agreed. With no suit or any other thermal management tech, it’s going to be hard to survive anywhere just on thermal grounds alone.

    However, let’s say you want to mitigate problems with sunburn and climb to a higher solar orbit. I haven’t calculated anything. But my intuition says you’re no longer getting enough heat input, and you will end up freeze dried. (The dried part is a vacuum effect we were told to ignore.)