>>> from kenobi import KenobiDB
>>> db = KenobiDB('example.db')
>>> db.insert({'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'})
>>> db.search('lightsaber', 'green')
[{'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'}]
>>> from kenobi import KenobiDB
>>> db = KenobiDB('example.db')
>>> db.insert({'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'})
>>> db.search('lightsaber', 'green')
[{'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'}]
OK, yeah, this looks pretty cool. There are a lot of situations where I want to store information, and a text file isn’t ideal, but running a full fledged database is overkill. I like the simplicity of the interface, especially the search function.