Someone misunderstood what “Holocaust Museum” means, thinking it a museum for celebrating holocaust
Found the Nazi.
Talk about fundamentally evil…
Dude, beliefs like that are the entire fucking problem.
Just another genocide denier.
Wow, collective guilt. Think I’ve heard this one before. Hey trustee I’ve got this tiled room with a spigot where you can meet other like-minded people, gotta take your shoes off first though.
Yeah, well. Out of everybody on this planet, who expected it to be Israel to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing after what happened to their people during WW2. Working for a holocaust museum probably means you’re on the side of Israel so I’m not shocked someone would say such horrible things. This is the reason why we never learn from our history. Here in NL we remember the fallen during WW2 and say “NEVER AGAIN” while at the same time sending weapons to Israel. Writers of dystopian books: “so I guess I’m a journalist now”.
One of the biggest risk factors for being an abuser is having been abused. So it’s not entirely surprising, just depressing.
Talk about lack of empathy. Does he have a wank touring the museum too?
well cant be a good nazi without first sacrificing your soul for siding with the powerful. you are on the right track buddy.
Reality is a team sport, to some people. They don’t mean things when they say words.