I wish we could see up/downvotes like in the past. I think reddit may be artificially boosting some posts into the front page. You can see in the screenshot it has very little upvotes (or older) compared to the other top 4 posts.

I have no evidence other than noticing right after the election, /r/conservative seems to be hitting the front page every day. But I remember before the election, it only hit the front page once in a blue moon or so. Is this just me? Am I the only one noticing this?

  • danc4498@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    It always annoyed me when a post reached the front page and they limited who was allowed to comment on it. I usually didn’t even know what sub I was in until after I typed my comment and clicked submit. Followed by auto mod deleting my post.

    I forgot how much I hated that about Reddit. Good riddance.