Toyota’s are a joy to work on. Top notch engineering. Everything is easily accessible.
It’s been making a “click/pop” sound whenever you accelerate or brake hard. I spent some time investigating but I’m still not sure what’s causing that.
Toyotas make oil changes so easy. Look up “drive shaft clunk”, might be what you’re experiencing
What’d you do with the oil?
Take it back to the auto parts store for recycling.
You ever try to mold the used oil back into a dinosaur?
I had a Toyota that made clicking sounds on accel/breaking and speedbumps some years ago. In my case the ball-joints on the front wheel assembly were worn and had some slack causing the clicking.
how loud is the click pop and where is it coming from?
Very loud and distinct sound. Not sure exactly where it’s coming from but it sounds like it’s near the front wheels.
Everything related to the drive train, suspension, etc. is in good shape. I’m thinking it could be engine mounts.
yea, If it’s a dull loud clank and your mounts aren’t flush, certainly could be.
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So I’m sure it’s not your issue, but
Few weeks back I was able to solve the persistent clunk/scrape sound I had when pulling to a stop and when pulling away. I had assumed it was driveline but turned out the upper trans cooler mount had rusted away so it was flopping back and forth when stopping/starting. Zip tied it for now. When it’s warmer out I’ll bend up a new bracket from some scrap.