Our dishwasher didn’t pump out water anymore.
Had to get the dirty water out, first with a soupladel, then a cloth and cleaned everything obstructing the pump inlet or whatever it is called. I do clean the filter regularly but I guess the pump had enough of me not prewashing dishes. (I do all the housekeeping)
After cleaning everything out, hoped for the best….started a short program and as soon as it filled with water cancelled the program and it was all good. After did another run with dishes and the dishes came out fine.
My wife has cooled down again, I told her to take it easy but that never ever works, heheh.
Had a similar issue I had to help my folks with. Turns out their was a whole mandarin orange peel jammed inside the pipe. Not sure how it shimmied past the filter, but was one hell of an extraction I never want to do again.
At least it didn’t take any pump replacing. For me it was rice and spinach that blocked the pump.
A couple years ago, my dishwasher was working well, but making a very loud vibration whenever the drain pump was operating.
Took it all apart, only got a little dirty water all over myself, and found a perfect cube shape of something with the consistency of cheddar cheese impaled on one of the metal impeller blades.
No idea what it was or how it got past the filter, but it’s been working perfectly ever since.
Good to read it all worked out. I like cheese but that sounds gross.
I heard dishwashers are one of the least favorite appliances to repair for a repair man.
This is the great wheel of life.
I recently had a dishwasher back some nasty gritty stuff into the disposal unit, which ended the disposal. Finally got the dishwasher working after 3 failed installs. Wasn’t having a good time of it.
Fahk, if you are having that much trouble I’d rather do the dishes by hand.
I was ready to stop eating altogether. GF wasn’t having it
Heheheh, hunger strike.
Do you use powdered or liquid detergent, or the little pods?
Powdered or pods (and soda). If something is on sale I get some of that.
Had a guy come out a couple years ago to fix ours. Turns out the pump was completely mummified in hair. He didn’t bother trying to clean it and just replaced the whole pump.
That seems odd. I’ve never seen more than a strand or two when I’ve pulled mine for a cleaning, and my wife has long hair.
Now the bathroom drain on the other hand…