Got myself this to test the tools I had at hand and get to grips with the assembly of one of these things.

Got an RG Nu Gundam in the wing waiting to benefit from all the stuff I learned making this little guy.

Gotta say, I’m in a weird place with this model. One one hand I’m blown away by the complexity of the parts and the logic of it all. On the other hand, the lack of an internal frame means a lot of stuff is hanging off one tiny peg and things drop off this dude at the slightest provocation.

  • just some guy
    1 month ago

    There’s soooooooo many awesome ones! F90 and 91 are pretty easy builds that look cool, Victory V2 and Nu are fun builds, but can feel a bit delicate at times during assembly. The Dom feels like building a big ole HG that looks better. Tallgeese is another easy build, but I definitely recommend an Action Base for it. The joints are a bit stiff and he’s a bit too heavy. I would say if you get a Ver Ka MG, to be mindful that those kits can push the limits of the plastic. I discovered this when I panel lined my Crossbones and some the flaps on the core fighter immediately showed cracks that just sucked up all the ink. Don’t get me wrong though, the kits look great, but some can be delicate during and after building.