Maybe even auto laser-turrets for more epic-ness?
Since we have such a shitshow of a US government, can someone tell the new FAA person to add turrets to planes? Ya know, 'Murica 2nd Amendment and all… 👀
Surely, nothing will ever go wrong with this? Right?
That would be cool. Boringly though, there are safer ways as well. Birds tend to be scared of loud bangs, so you could scare them away with just sounds.
So we shoot blanks at them to get the loud noise without having to be accurate or use live ammo, got it
And in fact, this is exactly what airports already do.
“Passengers, please disregard the banging noises. That’s totally normal.”
Never understood why they can’t make a missile detect this and just aim for the center point where all the heat / chaff / IR is coming from.
The pilots would be evading hard so the center is moving around a lot too
Now that you put it that way, it’s mildly terrifying.