Title. I don’t know what to consider it, whether it stems from body dysmorphia or whatever but I have a general (although not extremely impairing) fear and discomfort of nudity. This may be common, though I haven’t met anyone who’s as uncomfortable with nudity and their own body as I am.

  • southsamurai
    13 hours ago

    Not so much a question for me, as one that might lead to something useful for you.

    Does your phobia extend beyond a single sense?

    As in, do the sounds of being naked bother you? Does tactile contact while nude bother you?

    I’ve actually run into this twice irl, with patients. I used to be a nurse’s assistant, which involves bathing other people when they can’t do so themselves. Dressing them too. One of my patients was very mild in their aversion, they just didn’t want to be able to see that they were naked, so they had tons of ways to work around it. The other was much more severe, and I was one of the few caregivers willing to work with them.

    Which is also a roundabout way of letting you know you’re not the only one :)