It was all fun and games two years ago when most AI videos were obvious (6 fingers, 7 fingers, etc.).
But things are getting out of hand. I am at a point I’m questioning if Lemmy, Reddit, Youtube comments etc. are even real. I wouldn’t even be suprised if I was playing Overwatch 5v5 with 9 AIs while three of them are programmed to act like kids, 4 being non toxic etc…
This whole place could just be an illusion.
I can’t prove it. Its really less fun now.
The upside is I go to the gym more frequently and just hang out with people I know are 100% real. Nothing worse than having a conversation with AI person. It was just an average 7/10 like I am an average 5/10 so I thought it could be a real thing but turned out I was chatting with AI. A 7/10 AI. The creator made the person less perfect looking to make it more realistic.
Nice. What is the point of internet when everything is fake but can’t even or only be identified as fake with deep research.
I’m 32 and I know many young people who also hate it. To be fair I only know people who hate on AI nowadays. This has to end.
Ya got me, it’s not.
I assure you, it very much is. Two decades ago when I was a student specializing in AI, it was the next big “unsolved problem” alongside computer vision. Five years later, it was solved and the world moved on.
But it remains an application of artificial intelligence.
Some people think of AI as a human-like mind running on a computer. That’s science fiction. AI in real life takes in information and makes decisions in a much smaller arena. “Does this photo contain a face?” “Does this X-ray contain a tumor?” “Given this game board and list of previous move, what’s the winning strategy?” They’re intelligent about only one subject.
I started to write more, but this is long enough. Not every AI is an AGI. Not every AI is linguistic. Most of them are mundane and boring, in fact.
This is apples vs pears with 2 languages that make them sound similar.
Ai is a technical domain of computer science. All machine learning is AI here.
But Ai is just short for artificial intelligence and those are 2 normal words with their own meaning and can be used literally. Llms are artificial, they can so some clever things. But is it intelligent? There is lots of subjective room here.
Smart foto filters are fighting a very uphill battle to be considered intelligent.
This is different from AGI which is on par with human intelligence, in practice i don’t believe many humans will consider something intelligent until it surpasses themselves but thats besides the point.