So, here’s the deal: You’ve managed to acquire the data, but disaster strikes, and your time machine is destroyed by an enemy time traveler team. This is crucial historical data that you’ll have to get into the future to avert the apocalypse. Due to the constraints of the space-time continuum, all time travelers staying outside of their “home” time for longer than 1 year will die, so you have exactly 1 year to prepare. How do you make sure the future discovers the data, while preventing the enemy time traveler faction from stealing the data?

(Remember: don’t just chuck it in a hard drive and bury it in a forest somewhere, the data will degrade)

    1 month ago

    Setup a company who’s job it is to maintain the data. They make money by offering the same services to others, but their main aim is the preservation of this 100TB. Only people passing stringent security checks will know of this special mission. Enemies from the future will be scared away by a sign on the door reading “BEWARE OF THE TIGER”.

    They will run massive NetApp arrays and redundant ZFS pools. They will rotate disks out periodically and migrate onto newer technologies as and when. Backups will be taken, verified and tested monthly. Basically it’s Backblaze but running for 100 years.