Holy smokes folks, tons of great kits. Give it a look and remember if you want something, get it because it might just sell out. I wasn’t trying to buy any more kits to add to my backlog but here I go spending money again.
I’m still amazed that they’re including the original MG Wing Zero Custom in the lineup. As someone who has both, just shell out the extra $26 for the ver Ka. It’s well worth it for the 20 years of gunpla design advances.
Yea I totally get that. My only thing is that the older kit is more true to the look of the anime. I love both kits, don’t get me wrong but I was honestly planning on getting the older one first for that reason and then getting the Ka. Kit later on. I can tell just from the pictures that the Ka. Kit is on a different build level than the original.
Dangit! I should’ve waited on my mg nightingale buy, I could’ve gotten the re! Blast you and your seductive selection, hobbytown!
Here’s your chance to own both ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You got me there! Not sure where I’d put em both, but it would be a damn shame to pass up a PB re/100
One of these days I’ll be able to stalk PB and buy all the shinies. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
I’m probably going to get wing zero and Epyon here myself But I want the endless waltz lineup of the base gundams so bad. But I know if I buy one, I need all 5.