I’m just going to use fl mobile. been wanting to release something recently and want to try routenote, which is a free distributor. Those are fun cuz we can look back in like 10 years and songs will still be there. Wanna make a song with me? Routenote is apparently good but slow and strict about pirated samples. Neither of those bother me so i thought to try them. I dont care how good or bad u are at musics.
u send me something or i send u something and we pass it back and forth a few times and release it?
sounds good!
ok i got to a good stopping point where all the stuff in the song feels solid. Now transfering the wav to this phone then internet somewhere.
Sent what I have so far. I could still tune up some instruments and volumes if they need it but this sounds like a good start at least. I love the ‘coolness’ of it. It feels like a beginning of a song (first 3 measures). maybe could get more epic? bpm 187.
curious what u do to it!
ooo this is tight. I know where I wanna take it.
are you able to split stems off? I want the drums at least to not have a jarring switch of the drum samples a minute into it.
the song is this what do u mean stem? mea noob
oh stems are the tracks separated into different files, usually what people use for a remix.
I’m just looking for the drum track on its own to use the same samples as you
@[email protected]
Can I get in on this?
Or at least hear some?
clickyellow could pass it to you next or i’d make something different with u or anything. Im down for anything. more the merrier imo
I’m down to collab/remix/whatever.
But I don’t really have any finished tracks. Mostly a lot of abandoned sound design sessions lol. If you have anything I could try to remix that would be cool.
brb probably tonight or tomorrow :)
making something this morning. Curious what ‘Sound Design Session’ is; like you customize custom samples?
sent. sorry tooka while. on solar and its a week of solid snow; so unusual electric problems
i think i know what youre talking about and fixed it but phone 1% gtG!