As Republicans target vital public services to offset a massive deficit caused by tax cuts for the rich, Bernie Sanders is taking action. His “National Tour to Fight Oligarchy” aims to empower Americans against the rise of authoritarianism and kleptocracy. #FightOligarchy

    1 month ago

    Sanders talks a big game about inequality, but what has that actually changed?

    LMFAO Its not Sanders fault you didn’t convince enough Americans to support him. It’s not his entire responsibility. It’s yours too. And mine.

    Keep cheering for your hero while the rest of us figure out how to break the machine

    If only a minority of people voted for Sanders and his Political Revolution, then why the fuck do you think that a minority of the minority would be able to break democracy and the constitution?? Your revolution would be a small minority that was easily crushed. There is no way to achieve change other than CONVINCING ENOUGH PEOPLE. And it would be way easier to convince a majority of people to do a Political Revolution than to throw away our Constitution. Sanders has made a huge effort. You haven’t done shit in comparison.

    • meowmeowbeanz
      1 month ago

      Blaming everyone else for not convincing enough people? That’s rich. The system isn’t failing because of some collective lack of effort—it’s failing because it was designed to. Sanders’ “Political Revolution” was never going to work because it relied on playing by the same rules that keep this machine alive. Convincing a majority? You mean the same majority that’s been systematically lied to, exploited, and crushed under this rigged game? Good luck with that.

      Sanders made a huge effort? Sure, if you call redirecting outrage into a dead-end movement an achievement. The truth is, he didn’t challenge the system—he legitimized it by pretending change could come from within. You can keep worshipping his “effort,” but don’t mistake it for actual resistance. Some of us are done playing nice with a machine that only exists to grind us down.

        1 month ago

        it’s failing because it was designed to.

        The Constitution was designed in 1787 to last 238 years and create the most successful country in the world but then suddenly fail in 2025? What a bizzare claim.

        Convincing a majority? You mean the same majority that’s been systematically lied to

        Yes that’s who I mean. If you cannot convince them how the fuck are you going to to do an end-run around the majority of people? Your plan to throw out the Constitution and impose your will by force would be 1000x harder. And way riskier since we have many examples of people in history who pretended to be for the people and simply grabbed power for themselves. In fact that is the general rule, not the exception. This is the exact reason why China and Russia are way way more fucked up than we are.

        Keep on doing things to break thru to people. Counter the lies. Oppose the Fascists. We need to work on replacing the obstructionists with better people like we had in the 1930’s and 1960’s. Never give up. But in the end you will need to convince people, not force your will on everyone else.

          1 month ago

          The constitution did NOT make America the superpower it is.

          Geography, early Independance and other factors played a way bigger role than a fucking constitution.

            1 month ago


            Weird that Canada and Mexico didn’t become the most successful country in the world.

            early Independance

            Weird that Haiti and Mexico didn’t become the most successful country in the world. I’m sure it had nothing to do with their creating dictatorships shortly after their early independence. /s

              1 month ago

              Canada got its independence later than the US and its geography is WAAAAY worse the US. For the most part, Canada is uninhabitable. Its 20 times larger than Spain, yet has a smaller population. But i am sure that a good constitution would have totally negated this.

              Mexico, again, had a worse geography and an economy that was entirely dependent on exporting stuff to Spain. Their economy remained in a feudal mode of production until the Porfiriato in the late 1880. While America won its independence in 1783 and after that, only fought one more war against any former colonizer on its own soil, Mexico’s war of independence took 11 years. And even after its conclusion, Spain tried for 8 more years to retake the country. And do not forget the civil wars. Imagine the american civil lasted from 1785 to 1880. With interruptions of course, but essentially a constant state of war.

              Now combine a weak, constantly warring neighbor to the south and a thinly populated, crown colony to the north and you get American Easy Mode.

              Re: Haïti: I wonder why the country that had to take on the massive debt accumulated by their colonial overlords never took off. And maybe, just maybe, getting an slapped with an Embargo by your largest trade partner (because you cannot have a successful slave revolt next door) contributed to never developing your economy. But surely its just the lack of a “”“great”“” constitution that held these countries back.

                1 month ago

                Um yeah. I’m sure that the US just happened to get the most perfect spot in the entire world and becoming the most successful country in the world had nothing to do with the way we ran our country. /s

                  1 month ago

                  “most successful country” American exceptionalism at its best :)

                  The way you run your country and the constitution are two different things.

                  Do you really think that your “exceptional republic” got you the spot as the most dominant economy in the world?

                  Its imperialism. America dominates the world not because of the first amendment or the electoral college, but because of a willingness and ability to backup its economic interests with its military. Without having to fear an invasion.

                    1 month ago

                    “most successful country” American exceptionalism at its best :)

                    “most successful country” is a simple fact, not an opinion. You can call it exceptional if you want. Its not the word I used.

                    Its imperialism. America dominates the world not because of the first amendment or the electoral college, but because of a willingness and ability to backup its economic interests with its military. Without having to fear an invasion.

                    That only started a month ago with Resident Trump in the white house. America was very isolationist for most of its history up to WWII when we had to bail out Europe (2nd time) and Asia. And they we had to stay at our own expense to bail out Europe a 3rd time in the cold war.

        • meowmeowbeanz
          1 month ago

          Ah, the classic “it’s your fault Sanders failed” defense. Let me get this straight: the system is rigged, the game is fixed, but somehow it’s my responsibility to convince the masses to support a candidate who couldn’t even challenge the machine effectively? Spare me.

          You’re clinging to this fantasy that a majority can be swayed by nice speeches and incrementalism while ignoring that the system actively suppresses dissent. Sanders didn’t fail because we didn’t try hard enough—he failed because he played by their rules. And now you want to lecture me about democracy and the Constitution? The same Constitution that’s been twisted into a shield for oligarchs? Cute.

          Keep blaming everyone else while worshipping “effort.” Some of us are done playing cheerleader for a rigged game.

            1 month ago

            it’s my responsibility to convince the masses to support a candidate

            I thought you were someone who supported progress. My mistake. Why would anybody listen to your loser defeatism when you aren’t doing shit to help Americans. All you are doing instead is what exactly what Putin wants you to do. Too bad that Russia is fucked up way worse than America.

            • meowmeowbeanz
              1 month ago

              Oh, the classic pivot to “you’re helping Russia”—because nothing screams intellectual bankruptcy like dragging geopolitical boogeymen into a conversation about domestic corruption. You’re so desperate to defend a broken system that you’ll invoke Cold War ghosts to justify it. Pathetic.

              Progress? What progress? The illusion of choice between two faces of the same coin? Supporting a rigged game isn’t progress; it’s complicity. If you want to talk about helping Americans, maybe start by addressing the rot at home instead of parroting propaganda about foreign enemies.

              Defeatism? No, it’s realism. Pretending the system works while it crushes dissent isn’t optimism—it’s delusion. Stop gaslighting people into thinking their refusal to cheerlead for oligarchs is the problem.

                1 month ago

                Oh, the classic pivot to “you’re helping Russia”

                You are doing exactly what Putin wants you to do. Whether you are doing this intentionally or not really makes no difference. Because you spreading your loser defeatism is exactly what Putin hired thousands of people at his troll farm to do.

                maybe start by addressing

                You’ve made it very clear that you have no intention of “addressing” anything and are just going to sit on your ass and do nothing. Why the fuck would anybody care what you say? You offer no solutions. Other people do. That makes you irrelevent. You’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.

                Progress? What progress?

                Obama giving me health insurance when I badly need it. Social Security preventing millions of old people from starving. Medicare saving the lives of thousands of people every day. I could give you thousands of examples.

                a broken system

                Really sucks for Russians that their system is 100x more “broken” than ours. Do you think we do not know that it is precisely because we are the most successful country in the world that Russia and other country’s try to shit on us? Do you think Americans don’t know how bad off most of the world is?

                • meowmeowbeanz
                  1 month ago

                  Oh, the irony of accusing others of being “exactly what Putin wants” while regurgitating the same tired talking points designed to stifle dissent and enforce complacency. You’ve reduced yourself to a caricature, wielding fearmongering as a shield for your lack of substance.

                  Your “loser defeatism” jab is as hollow as your argument. Criticism isn’t defeatism; it’s the backbone of accountability. Blindly clinging to a system that perpetuates inequality and corruption doesn’t make you part of the solution—it makes you part of the problem.

                  And let’s not pretend Obamacare or Social Security are proof of systemic success. They’re patchwork fixes in a system that prioritizes corporate profits over human lives. If this is your idea of progress, you’re not just irrelevant—you’re the guy who claps when the Titanic’s band starts playing.

                  I think we’re done here. Enjoy your crusade of mediocrity, where clapping for scraps is your greatest act of patriotism. You’re not a defender of progress—you’re the guy who’d cheer for a leaky lifeboat while the ship sinks.

                    1 month ago

                    and enforce complacency.

                    YOU are the person doing that. All you have is apathetic loser defeatism. You have no program. You have no platform. You have no plans on what to do. You have no solutions. Sanders has many solutions. Who cares whether you like them. He has identified exactly what needs to be done and you have not.

                    stifle dissent

                    What “dissent”? You aren’t a dissident. You’re just a guy who sits on a couch watching TV and bitches that nobody has done your laundry for you.