• Krik@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    1 month ago

    Not all letters are voiced. All c in sch are silent. Seemingly half of all h are silent. One s in dass is silent and therefore incorrectly sound the same as das (which is a different word). Sometimes an s is sharp sometimes it’s soft.

    Gender of nouns are mostly arbitrary. Yeah there are some rules for some of them depending on the ending syllables but that only increases confusion. But then there’s stuff like der/die/das Joghurt (the yogurt) where all(!) genders are allowed. And then there’s stuff like der Modul and das Modul which are completely different things and only distinguishable by gender.

    Also gender is a pretty stupid word for word classes. Because it’s just that: A group of words that behave grammatically the same. They have nothing to do with genders derived from biology. The third case isn’t even neutral, a common error that most people (even Germans) aren’t aware of. It’s ne-utrum which means neighter. In the past there was a forth case utrum which means both. And if we got further into the past there were much more word classes. There are languages out there that have 16+ word classes. Nobody even thinks about genders there.

    German learners should always learn the article together with its noun (das Auto) to know the gender or get burned forever by the gender mess.