This one kind of flew under the radar for me back when it came out but with all the hype surrounding the sequel, it seemed like a great time to play the first game ($30 USD).

Definitely have never played an RPG quite like it. It’s extremely difficult for me so far but not in a rage-inducing way, more like I keep dying because I’m playing it like Skyrim. It feels like a slow burn type of game, where the more time I invest in my character, the stronger he’ll become and the more enjoyable the game will be.

Anyone else playing the first game right around now?

  • fibojoly
    5 days ago

    Had given up on it two years ago and with the release of the second decided to revisit. The combat is clunky as fuck, but I really do enjoy the heart of the game, for lack of a better word.

    I just wish it crashed less T_T No real saves and constant full freeze with hard reboots is not fun.

    Which should tell you how much I do enjoy what I get to play that I’ve sunk about thirty hours so far. Getting my first horse and hunting game in the woods to feed the sick, being ambushed by a gang of three brigands and their dog to fend them off, barely. Stumbling upon a burnt hut in the woods and discovering a treasure… The sense of discovery and exploration is spot on. Losing all that because fuck knows what, not so much.