I’m building a box out of 1/4" plexiglass, and I would like to mount a sheet on a piano hinge or similar. However, all the piano hinges I find have mounting screws that are around 3/4" long. And drilling into acrylic can very easily cause cracking. Is there a better way to attach a hinge to an acrylic sheet?

I know I could build a frame of wood or some other material and attach a hinge to the frame. But this is going to be a box made out of only plexiglass panels, acrylic joined directly to acrylic. I need a way of directly connecting two acrylic sheets with a piano hinge or similar.

Any suggestions? The box will be about 48" long, 24" deep, and 36" tall. I want a portion of the lid to be on a hinge that runs along the length of the box. I’ve attached a rough not-to-scale sketch of what I’m building.

  • xzot746
    2 days ago

    Maybe you could find someone near you with a CO2 laser, they could essentially predrill it and you could tap it and thread right into it or a backing plate with nut & bolt.