• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Book banning is shameful and a disgrace, those who are scared of knowledge are really scared that someone will better themselves and ask questions of those doing the banning.

    If your government wants to ban books ask why. Why do they want to ban books on let’s say gun manufacturing. Well they don’t want their citizens to have the ability to defend themselves against the government, sure they will wrap it in some other reason like saving children or stopping crime, but really they know they are not working for the people of that country, and they worry that the people will find out and come after them. In a true democracy the people would just need to vote out the politicians, but there aren’t any real democracies just the illusion of democracy, which can be seen in the USA at the moment.

    Knowledge is never a bad thing, some knowledge might be painful and hurtful but in the end you are better off knowing, one way or the other.

    Build your own libraries of knowledge banned or otherwise, share it with people, help people understand what you are sharing and why. Use the knowledge to help and not to hate, but at least you will know what hate is and help people improve their lives by understanding who is pulling the strings.

    Can you imagine that knowledge is bad 😞.

    And do not think that I don’t realize that there is bad knowledge being shared by evil people, but at least you can combat those people with good knowledge and be able to see who is spewing that knowledge, and then call them out for it.

    Ramble complete.

  • Maybe a government with a real budget, and corporations paying their fair share in taxes. This whole trickle down economics doesn’t seem to be working anymore.

    Businesses need to make profit for sure, and I agree with that but it seems that it is almost a universal law that nothing else has to matter, only profit.

    I understand there was no written social contract, but we can’t keep letting companies make 100’s of billions (maybe exaggerated a bit) and pay barely nothing while governments downloads the cost to the average person.

    We should have no issues spending 2% of our GDP on defense, because we’re gonna need it once those scrappy fucks down south are determined to get our natural resources and most importantly our water.

    Education, healthcare, defense, social safety net (maybe needs some reform), these are the items our government needs to focus on. Corporations will always threaten to leave or not invest, but if they only invest because we give them big grants then that isn’t fair.

    But all that being said, it won’t happen because one country can’t do it alone. There is a bigger more corrupt picture on the world stage.