I have frequent anxiety attacks. Sometimes I can pinpoint a cause, other times I can’t. Just recently I had one from playing a game. In the game I have to throw barrels to hit a target which is alot harder than it sounds. What would have once just pissed me off now has my heart racing, has me feeling naucious, and has me feeling a sense of dread I guess. My mental health has gone to shit the last month or so, it was always bad but now its worse. For the last year I’ve had stomach problems which the doctor hasn’t found a physical cause for, I even had an endoschopy and they said everything looks normal. I’m starting to think It’s a physical symptom of my anxiety. I’d be grateful for any advice this fine community can offer. Thank you.
Thank you! I do need to get out more, I enjoy walking even despite the cold. I could definitly benifit from excercise. I’m really trying to get my life back on track which has been difficult. Prioritizing my mental health has been hard but I’m trying to be optomistic.
There’s a paper-thin line between physical and mental health. You cannot have mental health without physical health. Physical health (whatever that means for you) may not be enough, but it’s still essential.
My last job saw me making $82K/yr. with fat benefits, sitting at home on my PC, not doing much of anything. Lost that job due to them needing someone hands on with the laptops and servers. Depressed as hell. Most of my panic attacks were during those 5 years. Related? Dunno.
Now I’m slinging rocks and mulch at Lowe’s for shit pay, and I’m so much happier. Not dying to go in, but I’m not dreading it, feel great after only a 4-5 hour shift. After only a month I can see the difference in my upper body physique. My general constitution is much higher, even this quickly.
Anyway, back to walking. Scan Google Maps for ideas. Holy shit the places I’ve found, right by my house. Had no idea there were miles and miles of natural trails within walking distance. Saw my first black bear (with babies, shit!) and a coyote in the last month! Found a beautiful swamp 3-miles away, kayak and canoe there all the time. There are endless miles of creeks and rivers I’ve never been on, woods I’ve never hiked.
Sure like to help! HMU if you want to chat.
And BTW, almost had a panic attack today. My chest hurt the slightest bit, terrified of having a heart attack, which is what usually kicks that shit off. I have few logical reasons to believe my heart is going to blow, but here we are. Getting off my ass right now to find some projects to get into.