Since I agree with @[email protected], I will contribute, too. I however, love the snow and ice for camping, hiking, backpacking, whatever.
This was taken on the coast after backpacking through the Olympics in Washington State.
Man that looks great. It reminds me of the one camping trip that I took with my dad, and it’s one of my best memories of him.
Looks like a kickass spot.
Where is that spot? I remember walking about 15 miles up the coast to the Norwegian memorial west of Ozette a while back. I love our coastline.
Random road in the Olympics, hit the coast, walk north, walk north some more 😉
Is that the ocean? Just seeing a photo strikes awe. Nice spot to set up camp, though got to be windy :D
Yup! It wasn’t too bad because of the way the land slopes and some driftwood blocking the wind. It was also a pretty calm night and my partner turns into a furnace when she sleeps.
Must be a Great Lakes resident asking if this is the ocean. :)
Man I need to go camping myself soon.