Great content, as someone who “stealth camps” often I would love that openness. Thank you for sharing.
Great content, as someone who “stealth camps” often I would love that openness. Thank you for sharing.
Aren’t there already cloud computing companies in Europe? I use OVH from France in my company.
Aye I didn’t know he had passed already, huh.
Oh I’ve been there!
It is and it isn’t. My current goals and priorities require as long of a horizon to accomplish them and as much focus as possible. Or do they? if I got back into the risky overdrive mode and accelerated full speed and full joy all at once…
Great point, and agree.
I love Robert Reich, I’ve only known about him this past year and wish I’d known about him longer. Such a wise voice.
I went to a concert with a mega fan and also don’t get it, that shit hurt my ears. I think Rush fans brains are all wired at some unique frequency.
Fuck yeah, I miss it. Smokers are my people. Risk takers, nihilists, indulgers, hedonists, adventurers, rebels, fun-havers… but I’ve gotten domesticated and want to live a long and clean life. Sigh.
Man you guys really swing for the fences and get specific with your predictions, love it.
You can do groups I’m pretty sure using the Jitsi integration. This basically makes a jitsi window open up inside it, works pretty well. To get my mic to work I had to open a link to a browser but it was fine. So far we like Mattermost a lot.
Same situation as you, we’re choosing to use Mattermost, it’s like Slack but we’re being more with this free version. After all our testing so far it works great.
Oh brilliant, thank you for the tip!
Yeah I see that, hmm, I agree with you.
I listened to a review about the book by Pod Save America guy Jon Favreau and apparently the book is a barn burner and chock full of incredibly damning info about Zuckerberg and co., and a great read.
Is she really? I don’t know much about her but loved her music.
I recommend over the ear, noise reduction headphones to drown out the cries. Also keep your eyes high up towards the horizon, and keep moving.
Yeah agreed, I had to do it too for French and German stuff, I wish I could read whatever they’re posting but I can’t so I just block it but mean no offense.
Regain focus after this social media stuff making me dizzy, I’ll go read now!