Hello everybody,

What is the company and corporation that is the object of your hate? What did/do they do to get that spot for you?

Mine is Facebook/Meta for their egregious data collection policies, psychological manipulation of its users, and more recently, them not seeding content.

Thanks in advance for your time! Have a good one!

  • Nestle. I don’t believe there’s a single company that’s been responsible for more evil in the world.

    • Blackwater? Rank amateurs.
    • Chiquita? A full level higher of malicious human rights violations, and worthy of execution. But still small game.
    • De Beers? Hopefully someday a book will be published naming and shaming every executive and their families. Company and descendants should be stripped of all their wealth and used to restore the countries and cultures they’ve raped.

    But Nestle tops the list, and a lot of the current execs should be lined up against the wall.

    Most governments qualify, but they’re not, technically, “companies,” so I’m sticking to brands.