House Republicans advanced a budget resolution that would impose deep cuts to Medicaid and SNAP while extending tax breaks for the wealthy.
Analysts warn the proposal could strip benefits from 36 million Medicaid recipients and 9 million low-income people receiving food assistance.
Critics argue the plan worsens poverty and economic inequality, benefiting the top 1% while hurting working families.
Despite public opposition, the GOP is pushing the measure forward as part of Donald Trump’s legislative agenda, facing resistance from Democrats and Senate Republicans.
Oh, and raise almost everyone’s taxes a significant amount, unless you make like 300k a year. I still find it bananas they look at someone making 20k a year and are like “yeah but they can give us another 1k” as they take their benefits.
The cruelty is the point. The parasite class is not like us.
Sadly, this is probably exactly what’s necessary for a percentage of magasses to realize they’ve been fucked over
Not gonna happen. I’m in a deep red area and the basic sentiment is that it’s okay as long as he “saves this country”.
that is them just talking out their asses, the minute it hurts them personally and not just in abstract the anger will start
we’ve seen this time and time
source: living around these stupid southern fucks
Well, yes…but they will direct that anger at the wrong places rather than accept they made a mistake
of course, they were planning on it regardless
I live around em too. And all the Cheeto has to do is give them someone else to blame for their hardships, and it’ll work
Towards the end of WW2 when Germany was in shambles he still had supporters who fanatically stood by the mustache man.
Will there be pockets of angry people? Sure.
But many will just be angry at whoever Trump tells them to be angry at
oh no doubt they’ll be angry at the wrong people
What are the metrics they are judging this salvation by if not personal financial gain? I was under the impression this was the primary motivation for their support of him.
Ownage of the libs by taking away what the libs wanted, which was to help… people like them. So the more they punch themselves in the face, the more they own the woke libs, and the better job trump is doing. See?
More like “Dems fault for being woke!”
I dunno, my idiot maga coworkers still think our taxes are less with his plan Lmao
And the class war continues. The capitalist led with an opening salvo of attacking aid to the poorest in the world with USAID and now they’re going after the poorest in there own country. Wonder who’s next on the block?
What the article didn’t say: The budget will increase the deficit and national debt. IKR?!
Are House Republicans more insane than Senate Republicans or are the latter just better at hiding it?
House Republicans are generally more insane.
Many of them don’t run in competitive districts, so winning the primary generally wins the election.
The crazy groups are the ones that show up in primaries.
The second. There’s just more of them in a room and it’s harder to hide the crazy.
House Republicans sometimes run in 90% Republican districts, of course they represent the worst at least optically. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and Marjorie Titan Greene / Boeboe are by far the squeakiest.
Ironically Boebert had to flee from her district because she was about to lose from being so stupid. Marjorie is in a much safer seat
I would be shocked if this actually passes the house. MAGA has the leadership roles, so you are going to see some crazy stuff advanced.
I would imagine house republicans are, as they represent smaller groups which do not reflect a more diverse demographic.
We somehow pay less in welfare but also lose more money.
We need the goose to chase the Republicans. Where is the money going?!?
yea sounds like they want to starve the poor. And how many of them voted for scum bag Trump