My mom never took my dad’s so I grew up with that being the norm, so I took it step further and my partner and I are not even married despite being together 11 years.
Yeah my partner and I didn’t get married until 8 years deep, and that’s going steady. We were fucking on and off for years before. We did it to appease our family. Never had any kids thank the hole in the ozone.
My mom never took my dad’s so I grew up with that being the norm, so I took it step further and my partner and I are not even married despite being together 11 years.
Yeah my partner and I didn’t get married until 8 years deep, and that’s going steady. We were fucking on and off for years before. We did it to appease our family. Never had any kids thank the hole in the ozone.
Tbqh i don’t know if we are ever gonna get married, just because it’s not the main priority, but I do make sure he’s my beneficiary for most things.