To those who live in or who have visited the United States.
Growing up in the 90’s, the “minimum acceptable” tip was 10%, average was 15%, and a good tip was 20%. These days, I just round to the nearest dollar and tip 20%, but I’ve heard these days it’s not unusual to tip up to 40%!
What do you usually do?
Please don’t fucking tip in Europe, tipping culture isn’t normalized there and servers actually get a fair wage.
Tipping at restaurants is already normal in Germany, France, and Italy if there is not a service charge on the check.
As a Romanian, tipping here does very much help Hospitality/Delivery workers, as our wages are deep down the toilet.
Our tipping culture is (or was, at least) pretty similar to the US’s, 10-15% as a standard tip, 20% if you’re flush and the service was notable (checking up on you occasionally, helping you make sense of things if need be, polite, nothing over-the-top). Same thing goes for delivery people.
Nowadays, I suspect people have somewhat maintained the ratios, although this comes mostly as an anecdotal observation - I started tipping 20-25%, or even double that if I’m ordering groceries (because I stock up for weeks, so it’s quite a bit to carry), and a LOT of delivery people have remarked that it was the largest tip they’d ever received (as an average example, about a 20RON ~ $4 tip to a 100RON ~ $21 food order).