the squishy stinky diaper was offering nothing. not a fucking god damn thing other than future betrayal…
a betrayal you know is coming, one that krasnov’s been setting up for years now, and one that will forever tarnish relations between the u.s. and its long-time allies everywhere.
Oh. OK, cool, I thought the “Soviet agent” thing was more against Biden (he was openly using his welcome in Moscow in his younger years) than against Trump, but covert connections are more meaningful than open connections.
the squishy stinky diaper was offering nothing. not a fucking god damn thing other than future betrayal…
a betrayal you know is coming, one that krasnov’s been setting up for years now, and one that will forever tarnish relations between the u.s. and its long-time allies everywhere.
Just in case, “red” as in hair color is “рыжий” in Russian, so it would be Ryzhov.
I think that was a reference to this A former KGB officer alleged Donald Trump was enlisted by the KGB in 1987 and was given the codename “Krasnov”.
Oh. OK, cool, I thought the “Soviet agent” thing was more against Biden (he was openly using his welcome in Moscow in his younger years) than against Trump, but covert connections are more meaningful than open connections.