It’s late and I don’t want to do the math or remember how you could solve the paradox, so I’ll just ask it case someone’s head is less empty than mine right now. Does that number converge assuming we always break an integer amounts of bones? My belly is telling me it does converge because we went from 0% to ⅓ in the first step and we want to land at 50%.
It’s late and I don’t want to do the math or remember how you could solve the paradox, so I’ll just ask it case someone’s head is less empty than mine right now. Does that number converge assuming we always break an integer amounts of bones? My belly is telling me it does converge because we went from 0% to ⅓ in the first step and we want to land at 50%.
Break every bone once. There are now twice as many bones as you started out with, so you’re at 50%.
Don’t do this at home.
It’s convergent, but I don’t think that fact will matter much after the first few iterations of the series anyway.
Hi, I slept and woke up now. Yeah, I can clearly see that now, too. Thanks for the answer.