What annoys ne about this whole thing is that tons of leaders are saying they stand with Ukraine which is an uncontroversial statement. Not a single leader is blasting trump for that disgusting display.
Can one world leader please call out his behaviour.
I mean sure, but luxon is a pretty wet blanket as far as PMs go. I wouldn’t expect him to be able to do much more than what he did (it’s a low bar).
Yeah I don’t really expect it from luxon but I do expect it from at least one European country.
Cowards. They are all cowards who lack the courage to break free from the US teat.
Words are great, but we really should be committing more support for Ukraine.
No. Unless Russia’s economy crumbles in the next 1-2 years, then the war is lost for Ukraine. The Americans have dug themselves into a very deep hole. The Americans had bet everything on the chance that Russia would face defeat in 2022 or 2023. Now that it hasn’t worked out, the Americans have no choice but to dump the problem onto other countries.
Will more economic sanctions on Russia and more weapons for Ukraine change anything? They have tried that for 3 years now and nothing changed. The media and the politicians have tricked many people into believing in Zelensky. He’s a Saint in english-speaking nations. Ukraine can do no wrong. Yet support for Ukraine is lukewarm among the population. I held the Russian flag at one of Christchurch’s busiest intersections 2 weeks ago. Hundreds of people saw the flag, but only 2 people made a comment disagreeing with me. I actually got more friendly toots than anything. People are tired of hearing about the war in Ukraine. Russia hasn’t done anything to New Zealand and this war problem isn’t ours to fix.
Do you really think this is not your business? People are dying because a fascist leader of a super power country is invading the small neighbor? And the other fascist leader of the other super power country is helping destroying the small country and Europe, Africa and Asia and the world economy?
Are you also a fascist?They’re not brave enough to outright say it, but they are absolutely a pro Russia fascist.
I’d love to know why.
Do you really think this is not your business? People are dying because a fascist leader of a super power country is invading the small neighbor? And the other fascist leader of the other super power country is helping destroying the small country and Europe, Africa and Asia and the world economy? Are you also a fascist?
@[email protected] Calling Russia a fascist country is wrong. It’s not a case of being inaccurate, it’s completely wrong.
Yeah, that sounds about right. I guess you also think the Chinese would do a better job of running NZ? Or that we should fight alone if they try and invade?
@[email protected] Nah I don’t think China is interested in absorbing New Zealand into its global empire. Would they want to pay everyone’s pension or unemployment benefits? It’d be a disaster. China doesn’t have the skill or knowledge on how NZ society works.
How many people in Christchurch even know what a Russian flag looks like?
@[email protected] Quite a lot of people, in fact. How many tricolour flags are there with white-blue-red? Maybe the flag of the Netherlands, which goes red-white-blue? The only other similarity is the Serbian flag, which is the Russian flag but upside-down. Other flags such as the French flag are vertical bars of colour, which is obviously quite different. Don’t ask me how so many people young and old know the Russian flag, but they know it from somewhere. Maybe they read books or played Call Of Duty or War Thunder.
LOL. You severely overestimate the flag knowledge of the average kiwi.
It’s hard to say, but a guy on a bicycle said “slava ooocrane” and one guy in a car said f*** putin. That was in the course of 1 hour and 10 minutes. It’s hard to judge how many people recognise it, but dozens of people do, I’m sure. Some people older than me will know the modern RF flag from the end of the Soviet Union. I was too young to understand it at the time, but as a child I remember looking at a country on the map called USSR and thinking, wow, this country is pretty big lol.
I held the Russian flag at one of Christchurch’s busiest intersections
Yeah, that sounds about right. I guess you also think the Chinese would do a better job of running NZ? Or that we should fight alone if they try and invade?
Also, of course this was Christchurch.
I have an idea.
Why don’t we give Trump Waiheke island so he can set up a military base there and protect us when the chinese invade. This way it won’t cost us anything except for time to process the police reports when the drunken sailors go to the north shore to get drunk and molest women.
How many people in Christchurch even know what a Russian flag looks like?
This debacle has also shown how fundamentally flawed our strategy of hoping America or Australia will help us, should a foreign power come sniffing around in our waters really is.
The US armed forces built fortifications both during ww2, and earlier during the Russian scare, here in NZ, I very much doubt they’d do that today.
Both them and Australia are today increasingly transactional in their interactions with the outside world, and the US in particular will likely want something in return for their help.
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You are the one with your nose up the USA’s back end.
We got nothing the USA needs or wants. Certainly nothing Canada doesn’t have. The USA doesn’t care about us at all. We can’t rely on them so we best make make friends with as many people as possible, maybe one of them will feel sorry enough to help us when the USA decides it wants the south island as a vacation destination for Elon or Zuck or Theil.
The exchanges are truly a [new?] low.
All the way down to “Why don’t you wear a suit? It’s disrespectful” from the guy in the ill fitting siut