Hard rock. The artwork here is real heavy-handed and doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Muse has never shied away from talking about fascism and governments overstepping their bounds (see The Resistance (2009) and The 2nd Law (2012)) but this artwork made sure no one would misunderstand them.
One of my favorite bands. Almost of their music is relevant & fitting. The other commenter here must love mumble rap or something to not understand the relevance of the album art & their music, especially at the time.
Almost all their albums are relevant to what humanity is going through. Their lyricism is insanely good (also their album art is rad)
They were way better in the 2000s though, I agree.
If you haven’t been to a concert and get the chance to, I can only recommend it! They always put up a good show.
No. In fact, I love their 2nd to 5th albums and the middle songs on this album, and I like The 2nd Law and half of Simulation Theory.
I do. But having a great and ambitious idea doesn’t necessarily mean the execution is good. I find this album art incredibly plastic, and as an anarchist gearing up for this month’s model congress I know way better album covers negatively depicting authority.