Reminds me of China and the “Subversion of State Power” charges. Buckle up, this is a rough roaller coaster ride into a fucking volcano
Remember when Trump motorboated Guliani in drag? That seems like dei that is worth reporting here.
Spam them with as much crap as you can. Overload their system until they shut it down because they are overwhelmed.
Oh, they’re soliciting tips, are they? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Red scare but with a government siding with Russia this time!
Blue Scare/Rainbow Scare this time.
I vote rainbow scare, it’s got just the right amount of pizzazz
We already had lavender scare though, we need a word that’s inclusive of queer people, immigrants, all POC.
Is it illegal to upload a macro shot of my taint hair to a government website?
I’m not sure, but remember to comb it first, to put one’s best taint forward.
Are you implying that my taint isn’t immaculately groomed 24/7?
But fascism doesn’t count as a “divisive ideology”, amirite?
Seems to me banning books and trans athletes and comprehensive sex education are all pretty damn divisive and should be reported. Oh and don’t forget allowing people to use spurious excuses to send unvaccinated kids to school. And giving public education funds to religious -indoctrination schools.
Don’t forget creating official channels of communication for the express purpose of reporting on fellow Americans for having their own beliefs, seems pretty divisive.
Snitch on your fellow Republicans, who is trump enough
Not that it’s gonna do anything, but I just sent a report about how at a certain school district in a very Republican area of my state about white Christians going to a school to convert children and how on a deleted tweet that Joe Rogan says that’s the most woke thing ever and that we must stop the false Christians from indoctrinating our kids.
Obviously not a true report, not did I use any email tied to me, just a temp mail from emailnator. Also under VPN because I want those creeps to have a harder time knowing it was me, even if that means giving the slightest of security that they can easily break through.
Please list some ideas for me. I want to do my part.
Wish this existed when I was in school. I had a right wing civics teacher I would have reported.
Who knows, they may still be teaching! I’m pushing 40 and some of mine are still there.
Sure would be a shame if thousands of us just submitted “fuck you” into every field of that portal.
That’s easy to filter, you gotta post seemingly correct false info
Enough of it could DDoS the system, though.
I bet Bobby Drop Table works
lol this guy thinks the government uses SQL
Gotta pull out that list of doxxed neo-Nazis again …
Snitches are the back bones of any authoritarian regimes