For like 12 years I’ve worked in the service industry. That means sporadic hours and shifts that can happen whenever. About a year ago though I got a 9:00 to 5:00 job and it has been absolute hell trying to live my life as I have. How do normal people do this? All the business hours of places that you need to go, the bank, the doctors, the post office. Office they’re closed by the time you get off of work. I have to actually call off of work just to get anything done. There’s no way the majority of people are living like this, right?
They don’t, look around everyone has some sort of problems they are either sick, mentally ill or braindead.
People and society need to acknowledge that the current work ethics are alienating humanity and destroying the world.
Edit: i misread and though op was talking about working hours in general not allowing people to do much with their life after they are done working
And the most broken, fucked up people act like they are vaguely ‘stronger’ because of it.
Not that I don’t agree with you, but I think we would still have the same problems if we shifted to say a 4 day work week, because then the bank tellers and postal workers and such would either have to work the same days to allow people to use the services or we all do 4 days and still no one can make use of them. It seems like people get shafted no matter what
Who said that you have to work 4 days a week or 40 hours a week? These are arbitrary numbers crumbled down from slavery.
I think we’re talking about different things here
oh i though you were ranting about working hours in general