Sacrilegious take but I think the world in Fallout should be mostly green and overgrown. It’s been 200 years.
Shouldn’t stop them from having writing in their games.
Hasn’t the world of fallout been plunged into nuclear winter multiple times during those 200 years?
SSTF, I like you. Let’s not fight.
KLEO and Curie are the only good things they’ve added since.
Can you believe those dinguses put recoil on laser rifles?
I blame the Fortnite crowd. (Of which I am sadly a member).
I blame Bioware for the choice wheel.
The choices in Fallout 4 are like if the designer had just heard in passing that games like Mass Effect had a choice wheel. The only detail they successfully copied was not having the dialogue always match the option you chose. Bioware games gave you more options (6 in this screenshot of Mass Effect I’m looking at), wasn’t as clunky to use, and the options weren’t as transparently meaningless.
Oh I agree Bioware implementation is better, it’s that they introduced a mechanic that’s easy to implement terribly.
Just finished the LE Trilogy, and the wheel also gave you lots and lots of extra dialogue that you could either dismiss entirely, or would unlock some extra choices on the “main” wheel. It can even change some of the original choices to new ones! Space Opera indeed. :)
I thought about mentioning that, but sometimes one of the buttons in Fallout do lead to extra dialogue. Couldn’t figure out how to put the difference into words. But I feel like I’m wasting my time when I try to get extra dialogue out of a Fallout 4 npc.
The Bioware games have always made me skeptical of the argument that voiced dialogue is what made Fallout 4 choices so bland. The choices they made after deciding to go with a voiced protagonist is what made it bland.
See, I draw the same line at Tactics.
The year one was born may have some influence here.
Brotherhood of Steel should be the dividing line
See, I draw the same line at Tactics.
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