Most modern, right-thinking, science-believers don’t actually do science and wouldn’t recognize the scientific method if it bit them on the butt.
Most religious people never meditated, never had a vision, wouldn’t recognize elevated consciousness if it bit them on the butt.
Most of us just swallow the official narrative of our tribe and trust what the authorities say.
Which is of course a terrible way to acquire quality knowledge.
Okay… But that’s determined by the qualities of the argument, not pointing out that there’s dumb people in their midst.
“Atheists and theists both have naive, credulous adherents” isn’t saying anything novel.
What are you trying to say? Why are you being cagey?
Don’t read into it any more than that one point. It ain’t complicated.
So you just had a shower-thought about the existence of stupid people and thought we didn’t know?
It’s more common than you might think.