Its too expensive to eat these days no matter where you shop, so I just switched to absorbing sunlight for energy instead 🌻
Thanks Galen Weston 🙄
Photosynthesis? Crap, those of us on the west coast will be screwed.
In that case let’s bury ourselves in the earth and learn to thrive on decay.
shifting into worm mode
While America obviously deserves the majority of our ire we shouldn’t let fucking Weston off the hook either. He has too much wealth.
I’ve always just gone to my local Co-op. You still have to check specific products, but at least the general organization is as local as it can get.
Same here.
It’s a pitty the eastern half of the country doesn’t seem to have that option.
As someone who grew up on the Prairies, I always found it a little weird that Co-ops were just a thing in the west.
Seriously…they send a percentage of what you spend with them back to you each year as a dividend…who wouldn’t want a co-op?
Co-op regulations are different per province. The west has fuel and grocery coops, but Ontario has way more housing coops.
I hope that farmers who use farmer’s markets don’t price gouge this summer.
I would much rather support them directly, but not if they’re marking up their goods to be 3x more than what the stores carry the same produce for.
I’d like to spend $50 - 75 on a week of produce, not 2 meals worth.
I don’t know where you are, but at least a few places I’ve lived have had produce boxes you can sign up to receive. Some are fruits and vegetables too ugly to sell, others are mixed seasonal goods from a local farms. They range in price but all of them have been cheaper (for me) than the grocery store and are usually delivered.
The downside is the planning and work to make the most of whatever you get.
We had a local organic CSA that we supported for years, but it got too expensive at the time. I was hoping to go back to them, but they closed down :(
We do have a few farmer’s markets and small farm vendors around here during the warmer months. I’m hoping to support them.
I will also consider something like what you suggested 👍