Are you really trying to find some logic in what Trump says? I think it should already be obvious he has no fucking clue how the economy works.
If we want to be generous with his interpretation he means that if you uproot your entire business (including production) and bring it to the US then you don’t need to pay tariffs because you’re making it all inside the US. Except anyone with even the slightest understand of the entire production process knows that it’s effectively impossible in the timeframe he has forced upon everyone. So we still end up with him having no fucking clue what he is doing.
Does he really think businesses pay the tariffs? I doubt it
He knows they don’t but he doesn’t have to pay them and he couldn’t bring himself to care about anyone else.
Are you really trying to find some logic in what Trump says? I think it should already be obvious he has no fucking clue how the economy works.
If we want to be generous with his interpretation he means that if you uproot your entire business (including production) and bring it to the US then you don’t need to pay tariffs because you’re making it all inside the US. Except anyone with even the slightest understand of the entire production process knows that it’s effectively impossible in the timeframe he has forced upon everyone. So we still end up with him having no fucking clue what he is doing.