Most of those I don’t buy from anyway and those I do I don’t give a shit about their corporate politics. Playing the boycott game is for middle-class folks who have money to burn.
How is Amazon staying off these boycott lists? Bezos was literally at the inauguration
Third from the bottom
Smack my head I can’t read
Simple. Their stuff is relatively cheap and they deliver in a reliable manner. Good selection + avoiding shipping fees + reliable fast delivery + cheap prices + poverty = people keep shopping there. What part of too poor to care about politics is confusing you?
Even Target rolled back their policies, and it was big on DEI. I suspect these companies had no choice but to comply with the current administration.
They complied in advance because corporations have no issues with fascism unless we make issues for them
Even more, corporations that kowtow to fascist governments often thrive (if they’ve gotten in the good graces of the fuhrer), because the nature of fascism is such that big business becomes another arm of the government to control and use as a cudgel. If you kiss the ring, you might end up doing alright, and like Volkswagen, or IBM, come out of this unscathed and maybe even better off than before.
But it’s a tight rope, and you’re dealing with irrational actors who can (and very much will) turn on you in a moment’s notice for any perceived slight. Or really for any or no reason at all.
Costco has gone in the opposite direction since Trump entered office. Their shareholders voted overwhelmingly to keep (and possibly even expand) DEI.
So no, it’s definitely a choice.
Of course they had a choice. This was motivated by greed.
Lowe’s is difficult as Home Depot is way worse. Like yeah they didn’t roll back DEI but likely because they didn’t have any to begin with and are a huge Trump supportet
I work at Lowe’s, and here in the Deepest South, we have a wildly diverse staff. Black, gay, Hispanic, kids on their first job, old folks staying busy, all kinds. They do seem to lean heavily on hiring vets, but that falls under DEI.
I should note: Our CEO is black. Don’t know anything about the guy, but I do like listening to him talk. I don’t get any sense of BS or fake corpo talk. Only been there 2 months but I’m a little taken aback by the lack of corporate BS. LOL, it ain’t exactly heaven, but better than expected.
The retailer also will no longer participate in an annual survey by the Human Rights Campaign that measures workplace inclusion for LGBTQ+ employees, and will also stop sponsoring and participating in events, such as festivals and parades, that are outside of its business areas.
I don’t have a problem with this. Aren’t we always bitching about rainbow capitalism? I’d rather a company drop it than fake it.
Plus their products are garbage. I had curtain rods from them such that the metal snapped without even significant strain. Had to replace after two years, was a huge waste of time and money, although these umbra brand it’s are so much better.
John Deere had a 98.1% “yes” on a shareholder vote to reinstate DEI.
But fuck them anyway, they are hardcore against Right to Repair laws. Massey Ferguson is better anyway.
Yeah they didn’t end dei. They just stopped supporting “controversial” events, like pride parades and such. Still deserves to be up there. Though I’m not in the market for a million dollar tractor, either.
Yep. Fuck ‘em
Wow. It’s always the companies you most suspect huh?
Target was actually a surprise for us when the news first came out.
We expected them to bow to pressure eventually; but diversity was such a big part of their image, we thought they’d hold out a bit.
He put Ford twice lol
The one is just a guy named Ford, we should boycott him.
At this point, it’s just better to boycott all large or for profit companies by default.
Impossible unless you live completely off the grid.
It’s hard, boss.
So I used to shop at Target as a way to boycott Walmart…. Any suggestions now that they both suck?
In order of impact
Live without it
Repair/repurpose something you already have (ex: dig out a spare you might not have in easy reach)
Secondhand, local (ex: yard sale, estate sale, Craigslist)
Secondhand, online (ex: Mercari, Depop, eBay)
Small/medium business, local (ex: farmer’s market, your local co-op grocery store)
Small/medium business, online (ex: an individual that makes a certain type of widget, an online specialty store)
Large business, local (ex: Meijer, Kroger, Target, Walgreen’s)
Large business, online
I have personally been going with Meijer as my large business of choice when nothing else serves my needs. I’m not sure how much of an impact choosing Meijer over Target has. But I figure the less I give to any large businesses, the better.
Edit: formatting
If you have to choose between the two evils, go with Walmart. They’re cheaper and pretended they cared way less than Target did.
I canceled my Target card and told them it was because of this bullshit. And yeah Walmart’s been on my list for a long time. Running out of places to shop.
Between Target and my local grocery doing anti-union bullshit, I just started shopping at Costco even though I’m only shopping for 1. So far so good, other than the whole “guess this is what I’m eating for the next 15 meals straight”. But I’m lucky to even have a Costco very close by.
We do what we can, but some people just don’t have a lot of options realistically.
Farmers markets when in season. Canned for the winter from Costco. Grow your own if you can.
Co-ops may be an option too in some areas.
Part of me wants to start shopping at Walmart because at least they’re unabashedly evil?
They’re all evil bastards, so might as well go with the one that pretended they weren’t less and, as a practical matter, is generally cheaper. Unless you’re lucky enough to have a viable local option, of course.
Find your local stores and support them as hard as you can.
Add Paramount to that list and lots of TV networks
Im already boycotting most of those companies for being American.
What’s the difference between Ford and Ford Motor Company?
Motor Company
At what length do shorts become pants?
tbf Accenture implemented Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion the same way they handle their consulting gigs; a sales person made a bunch of shit up, some juniors with no experience were thrown into meetings, and someone made something up that was very far from anything anyone asked for (which is why they needed the feedback) so it wasn’t a huge loss.