It makes sense that there still are physical games. There are many people with no internet or slow internet. You can gift them to your children or friends on their birthday. You can sell them/pass them on after you’ve finished the game
Man my home area is that way, they can’t get anything higher than a 5/5 internet wise. I go over to my parents and one YouTube video seems to take the whole network down. I feel bad for them, they can’t get anything better. We really need a complete overhaul in this state. Sadly the current trend is physical disks still have a day 1 update that downloads most the game. When I bought my dad a game for events, I give it to him a few days prior to the event so he can download it beforehand. It’s rediculous
Granted this was back on the PS4 but I’m sure it hasent got better.
It makes sense that there still are physical games. There are many people with no internet or slow internet. You can gift them to your children or friends on their birthday. You can sell them/pass them on after you’ve finished the game
Man my home area is that way, they can’t get anything higher than a 5/5 internet wise. I go over to my parents and one YouTube video seems to take the whole network down. I feel bad for them, they can’t get anything better. We really need a complete overhaul in this state. Sadly the current trend is physical disks still have a day 1 update that downloads most the game. When I bought my dad a game for events, I give it to him a few days prior to the event so he can download it beforehand. It’s rediculous
Granted this was back on the PS4 but I’m sure it hasent got better.